Thursday, March 11, 2010

Democracy or Anarchy??

Now, Tuesday, March 11th, 2010, 12.00 p.m.

I'm studying civics with Mr. Mukardianto, one of lectures whom called as Avrenita's father, actually he is kind person from military background.. ;p
He lecturing about democracy, what democracy is, what kind of democracy are, exactly all about democracy..

Briefly, the essence of democracy that is, government from the people, government of the people, and government for the people.

Nowadays, the news about democracy movement as demonstrations is popular, especially from college students (read: undergraduate) from any university. They have their own organization as Himpunan Mahasiswa Islam (HMI), Ikatan Mahasiswa Kedokteran Hewan Indonesia (IMAKAHI), Pergerakan Mahasiswa Islam Indonesia (PMII), and so on. Even there is term: no day without demonstrations

There is a nice movements if one democracy state has demonstrations in its state, because it reflects demostrations. But...

As an undergraduate student, I have my opinion about demonstration in this beloved democracy state, Indonesia. It is good if there is demonstration, but it must be accompanied by a sense of peace and not arbitrarily or anarchy. Anarchy means (

Often, demonstration in Indonesia follow by fight and clash with police, and will end with the action of anarchy. This demonstration that I dislike and differ. I think, as undergraduate, they should be smart and able to think up, demonstration according to the existing ethics and rules. That shows the integrity of students and has a high nationalism, not a narrow nationalism. Better they think what should they do for the improvement of our beloved country, Indonesia with their capability as undergraduate. It could start by improve their grades and do something extraordinary, which are useful.

Ok, I won't speak to much, before they would come to do demonstration to me because of this blog.. hehe.. see u in the next topic guys!!

Check it too:

Demokrasi Anarki: Suatu Puisi Jiwa


Berteriak lantang berkedok aspirasi
Mengumbar janji dan program suci
Lihat! semua orang bernafsu meraih kursi
Di tengah euforia terbukanya pintu reformasi

Gawat Tuan! Nurani bangsa telah dicuri
Mereka saling tuding dan saling menggurui
Yang tidak setuju boleh gunakan emosi
Kerahkan massa, lalu letupkan provokasi

Inikah yang kau sebut demokrasi?
Ah bukan, ini sih namanya democrazy!
Pantas saja tiap demonstrasi berhujung anarki
Karena kita memang berada di alam mobokrasi


Merdeka Barat, 12/02/09 - 18:00 WIB

Catatan: Turut Berduka atas jatuhnya korban dalam Demokrasi Anarki
di Gedung DPRD Sumut



  1. I bet you will miss your 'unique' lecturer (MR. MUKAR) after you graduate from university (: make everysecond counts.. and dont forget to keep updating SINCERE WORDS... yeyy!

  2. haha, maybe you'll be right buu^^
    I, Avre, Nico, and Cilla will mis him next time.. ahahaha..
    okok buu.. keep to updating my "sincere words" hehe


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